Ozark Heat

The Ozark Hills always get hot in the summertime, but this year has been extra special in that category. Some years are nearly famous for how hot they were – the Dust Bowl years, 1954 and 1980 stand out. The nearest weather station operated for the National Weather Service is in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The two hottest days on record there occurred in July, 1954 (the 14th and the 18th) when the mercury climbed to a respectable 111 degrees Fahrenheit (that is 44 degrees Celsius for you progressive types).

A few days ago, on August 3rd, the temperature reached 111 degrees Fahrenheit in the hollow, tying the record for Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

3 Responses to Ozark Heat

  1. Nadine Young says:



    A friend just loaned me “Murder in the Ozarks”, as she and I both grew up in the Ark. Ozarks in the 1940s/50s.     I’m only 3 chapters into the book…quite often I break out into laughter.  My husband does not understand.   He’s a KS farmboy and does not understand the culture of those Ark. hills back 50 years ago.     Great read!



  2. katy english says:



    Yes, I’ve known a friend from the Ark for many years, and she has read the book, and says she loves how actual all it tells the readers is. No doubt this is wonderful literature! I recommend it strongly!





    Interesting – has the rest of this summer been close to that heat too, or was that day one that stood out? We’ve been having some heat over here in Los Angeles, but nothing to that extent!!


2 thoughts on “Ozark Heat

  1. I felt your pain this year in St Louis. record heat for 3 weeks straight. Made me homesick. 😉

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